If you missed out on our live virtual cooking class, no worries! We have you covered! Catch the replay of Cooking with Jess Please see the description box for the Ingredients list and Directions. 5,288 Views
Category: news
Choose to Move 4/18 – 5/15 Choose to Move is a fitness challenge that will help you rack up minutes of exercise in the hopes of out-moving the competition! You’ll learn how to fit exercise into your daily routine—all while burning calories, getting fit, and having fun! Track your time exercised on your wellness website.…
I am excited to announce our first ever virtual walking club! Whether you’re looking for accountability to stay active during these colder months, looking to start your exercise journey, or just enjoy walking – then this club is for you! The walking club is open for ALL employees to join, not just those who…
During the cooler months, get inspired by football games! We challenge you to do a quarter’s worth (15 minutes) of exercise every day for four weeks. During a football game, there’s usually 60 minutes of game play, divided up into four quarters of 15 minutes each. We challenge you to exercise for one “quarter” (15…
Summer is upon us! While we spend these next few months outdoors in the Summer heat, it’s important we remember now more than ever, to stay sufficiently hydrated! Looking for some extra accountability when it comes to your water intake? Join our Healthy Hydration Challenge! Track your water intake for 4 weeks and you will…
River Valley Regional YMCA WELLNESS INITIATIVE Have you put your health on the back burner this past year? Are your physical workouts non-existent right now, and have you spent too much time on the couch or at your work desk? The Y has a solution for YOU! Meet with a Personal Trainer 2x/week for 30…
It is almost time for the annual collegiate basketball championship games! Have you ever thought about how much exercise a basketball player gets each game? The average basketball player gets about 5 miles of exercise each game! While you’re preparing to cheer on your favorite team and contemplating your bracket picks, we challenge you to…
February is recognized as National Heart Month. Why is heart health important? Many reasons. The most important reason being that our heart is what keeps us alive. Therefore, it is important we maintain our heart health and wellness by eating a well-balanced diet, sleeping well, and staying active. Wellness, however, goes beyond eating vegetables and…