Wake Up and Learn

This month I have partnered with Geisinger’s Wake Up and Learn Team. Wake Up and Learn is a group of sleep professionals passionate about spreading awareness of the importance of quality sleep at all stages of life. 

  • Click here to take the survey. It takes ~5 minutes to complete.
  • Two employees from each district who complete the survey will be chosen at random to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card. 
  • Anyone in the Health Advocate program will receive 75 points. (I will submit them in early May to be added to the 2023-2024 points. You do not need to submit anything once you complete the survey. Spouses on Health Advocate, please complete the first survey, not the family and friends one below.)
  • Once completed, they will send you an email regarding your results. If the survey shows that you are not getting enough quality sleep, they will ask you to complete another survey. From those results, they will send you resources to support the specific needs found from the second survey (information, suggestions, professionals that can help, etc.)
  • The only information I receive is a list of who completed the survey for points and gift card reasons. Your information/results are private between you and the Wake Up and Learn Team, who follow the same HIPAA regulations as any medical professional. Nothing is shared with the insurance company. 
  • Wake Up and Learn is for everyone! Please forward it to your family and friends who you think can benefit from it. Family and Friends, click here to take the survey!